

A Project is where the user organizes Canopies.


A canopy is a combined set of connectors that represents a final data output. The connectors within a canopy are composed and transformed to produce output data. A canopy can be connected to endpoints for clients to access its data.


A connector is a component that integrates APIs to be composable and transformable in a canopy. Connectors are represented throughout the Canopy app by the color blue.


A group or singular Action that manipulates your data. Transformations can be applied to a connector or to a Canopy. Transformations are represented throughout the Canopy app by the color orange.


An Endpoint (i.e. Canopy Endpoint) is a URL that clients send requests to and attain responses from a specific canopy. Endpoints are represented throughout the Canopy app by the color green. Multiple endpoints can point to the same canopy, and a single endpoint can be configured to point to a different canopy.