Creating a Project

Before you build a Canopy, you will need a Project to organize Canopies in. Under your organizations projects in the left side bar, click on the ”+ Create New” button and select “Canopy” from the dropdown menu.

Building Your Canopy

Under your organizations projects in the left side bar, click on the ”+ Create New” button and select “Canopy” from the dropdown menu.

Once you create your Canopy, your Canopy will be in an empty state. You can add the following configurations to your Canopy:

  • One or more Connectors - they are attached to your Canopy they are referred to as Connector Instances.
  • One or more Transformations - Transformations are used to Transform your Canopy’s final data output. You can also apply Transformations on each Connector Instance, which those Transformations will be applied whent the Connector Instance is called and then the the Canopy Transformation would be applied after.
  • One or more Endpoints - Endpoints are used to call your Canopy and return the data to the client you are calling from.

Note You can use the Browse tab to navigate to Projects or Canopies at any time.

Adding a Connector to Your Canopy

To add your first connector to your canopy, click on the “Add Connector Instace to ‘Your Canopy’” button.

If you need to add multiple connectors to your Canopy, after you add your first connector, you will see a ”+ Connector Instance” in the upper right of your connetor instances

Calling Your Canopy

Click that blue button at the top right of your screen that says “Call”.

That will open the calling pane. You can press call to see the data returned from your Canopy.

Assigning an Endpoint

You can assign an endpoint to your Canopy by navigating to the Endpoint tab on the left sidebar and simply click ”+ Create Endpoint”

You can specify an assigned Canopy when creating endpoints.

Canopy Logs

The Canopy Logs tab allows you to view the logs of your Canopy. Logs by default will show the most recent 50 Logs for a given Canopy, however there are filtering and sorting tools available to help you narrow down the log you are interested in. You can view the logs either for an entire Canopy or you can view the logs for a specific Connector Instance.

Canopy Canvas (Visual Diagram Builder and Vieweer)

The Canopy Canvas is a visual tool that allows you to build a Canopy with all the same functionality as the default UI, but it allows you to visualize and understand just how the data is flowing through your Canopy.